Google Skill Shop: Analytics, Search Console, & GMB

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Google Skill Shop: Google Analytics (GA4), Google Search Console, and Google My Business

google skill shop

Google has a plethora of tools available for business owners to help manage their businesses. The Google Skillshop has training for all of their tools for those who want to learn and become more familiar with these tools. It is free to use and contains valuable information that can change your business for the better. Many of these tools can help you with your SEO as well. If you are unfamiliar with SEO, read this

This article will cover the experience of learning and becoming certified in Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Google My Business.

Google Analytics (GA4):

GA4 is the new analytics system for Google. It allows you to transfer old analytics properties as well as creating new ones. GA4 measures all the data on your websites and apps, both iOS and Android. The overall experience with this training is thorough and informative. The training is broken down into sections and you pass each section before moving on to the next section. Each section has multiple pages of information. On each page they have scenarios that pertain to the current lesson with buttons all over the page to explain how analytics can help in these scenarios and what tools they should use.

After becoming familiar with the basics, they give you a demo business to practice with the GA4 interface. This is extremely effective because it allows you to practice many of the new things that were just taught. After the training and demos have finished there is a final assessment to become certified. It is a simple 50 question, multiple choice assessment. If you pass with an 80%, you are officially certified and ready to use GA4. The training thoroughly preps you for this assessment and if you do fail the assessment, you can retake it as many times as needed. The only stipulation is you have to wait 24 hours between attempts.

Google Skill Shop

Google Search Console:

While there is no official certification for Google Search Console, the training is still invaluable for those who want to get more out of Search Console. Search Console gives you all the information on how people are getting to your website. The queries used in search engines, the path to your website, how long they are on the website, etc. It’s a great tool for maximizing the traffic that comes to your websites.

The training for it is rather simple. It is a YouTube video collection that is taught by Daniel Waisberg, a Google Search Advocate. Each video has a different topic pertaining to the many different tools available in Search Console. The videos are a mix of mini lectures and visual demonstrations of using Search Console. By the end of the course, you should have a better understanding of Search Console and how to maximize it for your website. The videos are always available for reference if needed. 

Google Skill Shop

Google My Business:

This box that appears whenever you search a business is Google My Business. It allows you to claim your business profiles or create them and then put all of your information such as address, phone, operating hours, etc. Here is an example of KARMA jack’s Google My Business Profile: 

Google Skill Shop

It is essentially a snapshot of your business. The training for this is not very long, it is just a single course and won’t take longer than an hour or two. The course is structured similarly to the GA4 training. There are individual sections with pages of information with scenarios that explain how to use Google My Business. It is very useful training and helps you maximize this tool.

Google Skillshop has training for all of these tools and many more. The information is valuable as well as the certifications. They can help you advance your business or your career. The training isn’t too extensive, but still informs thoroughly. A mix of lectures, reading, and hands on demos help mix the learning techniques and keep it fresh. If you have questions about Google Skillshop or any of these tools, contact KARMA jack for more information!

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