
Everything You Need To Know About Thervo

KARMA jack offers digital marketing jobs that make a difference.

With that said, join our team who takes pride in hustling harder for our clients. 

Thervo's Best Pros 2022

KARMA jack Digital Marketing Agency helps customers get more leads and grow their companies. Moreover, as one of the best digital marketing agencies in Michigan, our team of experts takes the guesswork out of internet marketing. We pride ourselves in helping clients get more online leads. It so happens we also provide excellent service. Our customers have received amazing results through the help of KARMA Jack. This has resulted in KARMA jack being awarded one of Thervo’s Best Pros in 2022.

Firstly, Thervo has vetted over 1 million businesses in over 1,000 cities. Secondly, did your business get selected as one of this system’s best pros? Then you have successfully met and exceeded their rigorous standards of excellence for consumers. Lastly, Thervo uses a proprietary research and selection process. This process identifies the top service professionals in over 100 business categories. And that being across those 1,000 cities.

Best of Thervo

Thervo's Best Pros 2022

“This award serves as a reminder of how important it is for us to go above and beyond for all of our clients. And that’s for those who do digital marketing or websites with us! We are extremely proud to be recognized as one of Thervo’s Best Pros of 2022. Nothing outweighs our commitment to being the best digital marketing agency for all our clients.”

– Joel Sellentine, CEO, KARMA jack Digital Marketing Agency.

What is Thervo ?

 A user-friendly system where customers can go and have their needs and expectations met. The process is very easy. All the customer has to do is answer questions about their needs and Thervo immediately matches their answers with pros. From there, customers can read reviews and call or message pros. These options put the customer in a better position to definitively decide who they want to hire.

How it works

First, Thervo delivers customers to you. Customers come to Thervo to find the right professional that fits their needs. Each request is reviewed to make sure it is legitimate before it is sent to the customer.  

You decide which customer is right for your business

Secondly, Thervo sends each customer’s request to highly proficient and professional candidates. Through Thervo, the client is allowed to view the details of customers for no fee! The candidate can let a new customer know that they are interested in them by sending them a message. Formally, this is called, “sending a quote.”

Send a quote

Thirdly, and most importantly, a candidate’s quote is sent as a personalized message. It will contain their contact information and their price (not required). Then Thervo sends the candidates profile, reviews, and contact information to the customer. After that, they will send their quote. To send a quote, you pay with credits. If a customer doesn’t view a candidate’s quote, Thervo will automatically refund the credits that were used to pay for it.

Get hired and let Thervo know

In conclusion, a request can receive quotes from up to 5 candidates. Usually, Thervo reviews 2-3 quotes per request. The customer compares quotes to definitively decide who to hire. Thervo highly recommends that candidates get in contact with interested customers through its website, over the phone, or in person. After that, the customer will hire and pay the candidate directly and that candidate will keep 100% from what they earned. This service wants to know when candidates are hired so they can put them in the best position to be hired again.  


In December of 2013, Thervo was established. The company had set a measurable goal: supplying businesses with the customers they need that will help their business grow. Eight years later that goal remains the same. Thervo’s expertise in selecting local professionals is helping local communities thrive in a way like never before. 

Since the company has started, they have appraised over 1 million businesses. Their ability to connect businesses to new customers seems effortless, resulting in their company’s growth. As of now, Thervo has 800,000 new customers each year. Moreover, they also host 30,000 active pros and over $90 million earned by pros. Its ability to supply businesses with new customers successfully is a result of the company’s core values; attention to detail and great effort. 

Core values

Thervo’s core values are utilized in their process of choosing customers for their clients. Their goal is not to send you random customers. Therefore, they make a great effort in choosing the best pros for each customer. This effort has made an impact on the company’s success over the last eight years. 

  • Firstly, experience is required. It is important that a candidate has years in business and education related to their field of expertise. 
  • Secondly, professionalism is a must. Candidates are expected to do quality work and have outstanding customer service 
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, candidates need to have a good reputation. Preferably recommended by satisfied customers.  
  • In conclusion, Thervo prides themselves on engagement and it is encouraged that candidates have this quality.  You have to be ready and willing to engage with customers at all times.  

How does Thervo Help Companies

Thervo prides themselves on helping local businesses grow. They have generated over $100 million in revenue for them, especially the businesses that are featured on their site. How Thervo helps businesses grow rests heavily on their evaluation phases and processes.  

Research & verification

The company starts off by looking at a large number of candidates for a specified service and geographic area. Thervo examines available public data with exclusive tools to better understand each business. They also confirm the candidate’s contact information to make certain that they are actively in business. Then, they use customer data to measure the candidates relationship with past customers.

Manual review and Feature

Thervo’s team prepares a manual review of their selection of professionals and cross-references. This process was created for the customer to find and, eventually, hire the right professional to service their professional needs.

Setting Expectations

Thervo not only sets their pros at a high standard, but they also have a set of high expectations for the customers. Customers must make sure the professional they hire has a clear understanding of what is expected of them. In doing so, this will help customers to achieve the best possible results for both the customer and the pro.

Communication is key

Firstly, once the customer has hired a pro, they must make sure to connect with them directly. They must explain to their pro what their needs are, when they want things done, and what they expect their outcome to be. Customers must make sure the professionals have every piece of information so they can provide the best service possible.

Stay involved

Secondly, customers must never wait to express their dissatisfaction with their pro’s performance. The customer, at any point, should promptly let the professional know if they are doing something the customer doesn’t approve of. The pros want to provide satisfactory service. The pro may not always realize something is unsatisfactory, so the customer should always inform them that something is wrong.

Maintain records

In short, It is always good to keep a record of what was said to the pro and when. Write down the expectations you shared with your pro. Keep track of your meetings with your pro. This is just good practice for any transactional relationship.

Why is Thervo Important ?

Without Thervo, or any lead generation, a business will struggle to make sales and expand. They may also have difficulty generating leads when they are unsure of their target audience. Because of this, they must adopt a good lead generation strategy and Thervo can offer that. 

Strong lead generation begins with steering customers to a website that grabs their attention. You must lead customers to an attractive site to ensure that your business stands out. Standing out from competition and increasing your conversion. The customer is more likely to give an engaging website their contact information than a boring website that has no engagement.

Thervo is dependable

Thervo is a highly dependable company. They are helpful in generating traffic to professional sites where they can turn leads into customers. Making it very easy for customers to connect with businesses. Its platform ensures customers the validity and effectiveness of a pro’s business. Also highlighting how a company’s products and services differ from their competitors. In addition, Thervo allows businesses to target a customer base that is actively searching for a specific product or service. That’s why Thervo can take the lead directly to your businesses site, which can increase the purchasing on your business.


Thervo generates awareness

 Small businesses occasionally have a hard time establishing a web presence. However, web presences help bring in new leads for a business in an organic fashion. The service will help make your business stand out to potential customers while you build your web presence. Consider it the bridge that will get you where you need to be.

Target desired customers

 Thervo allows you to be more conscious of who your target audience is and who is getting your message. You can reach your desired customer in many ways through different demographics.

Thervo is cheaper than advertisements

Thervo can provide it’s clients with crucial cost and time savings. For Thervo, it’s all about targeting potential prospects who are showing an interest in a business. In short, it is cost-effective, but will produce the best results.


Quantity over Quality

Paying for a lead is necessary to grow your business, but it takes a lot of time to find a qualified one. You may find that the majority of your traffic consists of curious customers. The customers’ intentions are to research instead of purchase. However, the majority of these customers are not qualified, so they are not considered a good lead in this case. Unfortunately, you also still have to pay for them.  

Paying for leads doesn't guarantee jobs

Usually, the leads that you receive are the leads you have to pay for. Whether it’s qualified or not. This means that you didn’t get anything in return on your investment.

Your leads are not just yours

When using Thervo, or any other lead gen site, you will not be the only business receiving leads. All leads go out to other business owners who share the same products and services in the same area as you. Because of this, you are in direct competition with each other. You may be qualified, but so are your competitors. A customer may be interested in hiring someone like you. If so, you’re going to have to battle with your competitors in order to win that customer over. Oftentimes, many businesses don’t have the resources to follow up with or handle these cases in real-time.

Converting leads is hard work

These leads are not just yours. The person in need of those services will be overwhelmed with various forms of communication. This means that your next customer will probably be burnt out already. In addition, they may even have bad feelings about your company already. Their decision will be based on the cost and the quality of service. Trying to balance the true cost of a lead with the profit from the job might be hard to do.  

Types of Companies that Use Thervo

Thervo has one of the largest lead generation niches out there, beginning with insurance. The insurance niche is continuously growing. Their products, particularly auto insurance, are a hot commodity. There is a huge number of buyers interested in purchasing leads. Everyone who is online is able to purchase insurance, so there are no major qualifications required. This is a result of the insurance industry’s uptick. 

Home Services/Remodeling

Home services is a strong lead gen market and has developed for local service providers. This category generally includes any professional who would be hired to work within a home. No need to ask friends and family for recommendations. There is a lot of search traffic for home services as well.

Remodeling and construction jobs are often profitable. The companies needing work in these areas won’t shy away from paying for a qualified lead or two. The majority of remodeling companies are small. This means that they are limited in terms of effectively marketing their business. Paying top dollar for a TV ad or an ad in a national newspaper is well outside their budget. Luckily, they can usually get their money’s worth by buying a qualified lead, which will likely lead to a very profitable job.

Legal Services

Legal services is another niche that is growing. Who doesn’t need a good lawyer? The legal lead gen spans a number of niches within the legal system. This includes services ranging from insurance lawyers to medical malpractice. Previous criminal convictions, desire to fight license suspension, and the ability to have or pay for a lawyer can all make you an attractive client.


The online education industry has been growing in recent years and as a result, so has its lead gen vertical. Online universities are competing for potential students everyday. Many institutions are willing to pay for contact information of individuals. They have expressed interest in pursuing an online education. Many potential students search for information about possible programs online. This isn’t surprising since the product is delivered online as well. Although online institutions are generally cheaper than traditional institutions, a newly enrolled student can still be valuable.

Morgage & Real Estate

The mortgage and real estate niche is another extremely active and growing lead gen opportunity. Many people actively search for recommendations on their own. They often don’t realize that there is a lot of search traffic around mortgage and real estate. In addition, realtors and mortgage brokers are extremely valuable. They can afford to pay quite a bit for a well-qualified lead.

Mortgage and real estate lead gen also exhibits characteristics of affiliate marketing. In most cases, these sites will link out to third party partners for a form to be filled out. This is considered to be a lead generator. That is because the action in the Cost-per-Action (CPA) pricing model doesn’t generate any revenue for the purchaser of that lead. In fact, few mortgage approval form holders ever acquire a mortgage through the lead buying company. Those that do convert, however, can generate meaningful revenue.

Matchmaking/Dating Sites

The value of matchmaking and dating sites has increased in visitors. Visitors come to these sites because they believe these sites will give them the best chance for success. This success is mostly dependent on good ratings and reviews.  

Senior Care

This vertical may seem a bit out of place on this list, but it is fast-growing. Many care centers cost thousands of dollars each year, making these leads extremely valuable. However, referrals from friends and families can be pretty hard to come by in this niche. This is what leads to a decent number of searches for these types of services. And there are a steady number of interested lead buyers in any given area of the country offering similar services. Broad-based ad campaigns like TV commercials are not ideal for this kind of niche. Next, care providers and nursing homes cater to a very specific segment of the population (the elderly). As a result, some campaign strategies are less effective. Finally, those marketing dollars are better spent on qualified leads.

Bottom Line

Competency & Integrity

Searching online to find the right professional takes up a lot of time. And customers are too often unsure whether the information they’re finding is accurate or not. Because of this, Thervo features only the most qualified professionals in your area. It has an inept ability to gauge what the customer is looking for. They use customer-driven data to determine who is featured on their site. All businesses are featured based on the quality of their work. And a business cannot pay to be featured on Thervo. Due to this display of integrity, customers want to come to their site to find the right professional.

Unbiased approach

Thervo does not have a biased opinion, so it is worth investing in if you’re looking for your business to increase in profit and expand. In the past eight years the company has accumulated $100 million revenue for small businesses. With this, it proves that they are a necessity to a company’s development. Also it is worth noting, business owners find it difficult to trust lead generation companies. But it all comes down to choosing the right one. Thervo has created a reputation of being compatible for most customers and professionals. And they display a high level of professionalism and engagement. These two qualities have resulted in the company seeing enormous growth.

Thervo delivers for you

Joining such a group can be a serious venture. Not a lot of companies can devote their time and energy into bringing in new leads to grow their business. For this reason, those companies should join a trusted lead generation company such as Thervo. By doing so, they will handle the entire process for them. This is a venture, but a good choice nonetheless. Therefore, the right decision can bring your business to new heights. Yet, the wrong one can seriously affect your resources or worse. 

In closing, if you feel that your business is poised for growth, then expand with Thervo. 


“Thervo has really brought a lot of good business. It’s the way you market yourself in the advertisement which makes a world of difference. My clients have been great! Thank you, Thervo.”

-Karen Hernandez

“I have used Thervo along with other services, and find it to be the best. People there are the most cooperative with leads, and give credit when you can’t connect. I think it is the best of all the services out there.”

-Kenneth Rapoport

:I’ve only been using Thervo for about 2 months now. I’m loving it. It’s put me in front of some pretty amazing clients. I’m glad I gave it a try.”

-Georgette Best

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