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What is SEO in marketing?

Are you asking yourself, what is SEO in marketing? If you type in a word that describes your business or product, can you find yourself on Google?

Search Engine Optimization for Marketing

What is SEO in marketing? First of all, SEO sounds complicated and techy, but it’s not that difficult once you get over the terms. . . Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the process of clearly defining your message with keywords and then driving non-paid traffic to your website. If you type in a word that describes your business or product, can you find yourself on Google?

If yes, was it the first page or was it several pages into the search terms? If you are on the first page, that’s great!

If you found your business on page 5, that’s not great, and it means people will have to click through multiple pages on Google to see your business. They won’t do that. The attention span for internet users includes only pages 1 or 2 of search terms. That’s it.

You won’t be found online unless you pay for Google advertising or if someone types in the precise name of your company.

“Search engine optimization is the process of clearly defining your message with keywords and then driving non-paid traffic to your website. If you type in what your company does, and your website does not show up, your site needs help with search engine optimization.”

– Joel Sellentine

The best digital marketing companies create a website strategy based on the foundation of a clearly defined brand, then they follow a transparent process through the execution of the site. Most importantly, they maintain the site and keep it up to date, so it is current with the latest Google updates. 

A great SEO company ties these elements into a seamless process for companies to get the most out of possible visitors. They will utilize tools, such as YOAST, to maximize the site’s ability to get found on Google. They will also understand that your brand and messaging are critical components to improving your website.  Search engine optimization is more important than just page ranking. It tells the story of a company when done correctly.

What is SEO in relation to Google? Getting found on Google can be complicated because it ties in multiple elements of web design, development, technical prowess, brand credibility, and lead generation into three letters: SEO. SEO is hard work, it’s tedious, and it’s a science. But anyone can do it if they are motivated to do all the right things and to maintain a long-term strategy.

Understanding Google Can Be Frustrating. Right?

How do I start improving the organic traffic to my website?

Great organic traffic SEO should bring about the clarity of the message and the brand of your company.

If your company brand, services and products are not clearly defined, you’re off to a rough start. The fuzzy branding and messaging of a company will trickle down to all areas of sales and marketing. Poor branding and messaging will create significant amounts of wasted energy and money.

What is fuzzy branding? It’s when the message of your company, products and services are not clearly defined. Unfortunately, most companies struggle with this problem. Companies with fuzzy branding try to be something to everyone, which dilutes their product or service. By trying to sell “everything,” they reach virtually no one. This is because people search using very specific keywords, and the competitive environment of online search is fierce.

Therefore, clarity of brand is key when designing the SEO architecture of your website.

Instead of being something to everything, try the opposite.

Spend time understanding what your company does well. Spend most of your energies in this area in relation to building your brand and how you want to be found.

At our digital marketing agency, we typically help business leaders reverse-engineer how and why their company is successful. Or, if their business is suffering, we help define where their company should be successful. By focusing on clarity of the brand and the message first, we can directly create a path to success by building out keyword strategies of what their potential customers are searching.

You can do this as well. First, clarify your message and determine your ideal products or services. Then, target precise keyword terms that people will type based on what your company is selling.

If you’re asking what is SEO for your website, start with asking these questions before doing anything else:

  1. Why do you have a website?
  2. What is the purpose of your website?
  3. How does the website win?
  4. How would you like others to think about your website?
  5. What type of credibility would you want your website to have?

Next, collect all the information about your company’s goals, mission, message, and branding. Use this information for research on keywords that best match your company’s services or products.

Then, create quality content for the ideal content solutions to incorporate into your website for the best Google ranking results. This involves developing pages, re-mastering current pages and creating up-to-date relevant blog content.

SEO Questions for Your Website

"I can guarantee you top-page Google results" [never trust it]

SEO questions you should ask - what is SEO?

WARNING: Watch out for lies. Anyone who claims they can guarantee you top-page SEO results is being disingenuous. There are many SEO “snake oil” salespeople out there. 

Does a doctor guarantee a cure? NO! There are too many variables. The same goes with SEO. 

Search algorithms are ever-changing. Google updates their algorithms over 3200 times a year, and they only share fragments of information so people can’t game the system.

This means, no one, including employees at Google, fully know all the techniques to guarantee first-page ranking on Google. However, a top digital marketing agency can use the best methods, like a doctor on a patient, to get their clients’ pages ranked on the first page.

Questions You Should Ask
Your Web Developer About SEO

  • What are the target keywords?
  • How many times does the page use a keyword?
  • Are the keywords in the title?
  • Is the keyword in the URL?
  • What does the snippet say?
  • What does your meta description say?
  • Is the page connected to other pages with the same word?
  • Are there synonyms for the keywords?
  • Is the website fast?
  • Is the website high quality?
  • Is the website mobile-friendly?
  • Does the page use too many keywords?
  • What is the page’s page rank compared to other similar websites?
  • How many quality outside links point to your website?
  • Does your site feel like spam?
  • Does it have too many ads?
  • Is it poorly written?
  • Is your site using a heading (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5. . . )?
  • Headings are important, but the size of the heading is not. As long as you are using a heading and adding your keyword, you are good!
  • Is your content unique? Google can spot plagiarism in half a second!
  • Is your site connected to social media?
  • Are your site’s links connected to your site, and are people visiting?
  • Is your site indexed by Google?
  • Are you connected to local search engines?

Step-By-Step Guide to Writing Strong SEO Content for a Blog or Web Page

what is seo and website conversions

1. Define keywords. Choose 3-5 target keywords for your page or blog by researching analytics that closely match your topic.

2. Write your page content naturally, keeping in mind the keywords and how to authentically insert keywords, acronyms, and definitions when necessary and appropriate. Do not keyword stuff. Google spiders will deprioritize the page and site if there is an excessive amount of keyword stuffing.

3. Check grammar and spelling. Google spiders deprioritize sites with poor writing.

4. Write your page title to match the content and include target keywords.

5. Write at least two headings for the page and include some target keywords. Heading sizes don’t matter as much as if you have at least two per page. Ideally, you want to write a trickle-down approach with headings. Starting with Heading 1, then Heading 2 for sub-content under each topic.

6. Write your snippet (meta tags) to closely match the content of your website page.

7. Add keywords into the meta tags.

8. Include keywords in slug. This is part of the URL.

9. Find two relevant pages on the website to link. We always want to link at least once to a call to action (usually a buying decision).

10. Bold keywords on the page at least one time to show an emphasis on the topic. Do not bold everything.

11. Check readability and fix if necessary. Sometimes, technical writing is going to be more difficult on the readability scale.

12. Insert at least one image for a blog and three images for a website page to optimize SEO on the page. Optimize the images with keywords. Images are not read by Google spiders. This means the explanation of what the image is about must be optimized. You will want to add text that describes the image in the name, description, captions, and alternative text.

13. Set the featured image for the page.

14. Post on all relevant social media sites and Google business pages to connect Google spiders to your website effectively.

15. Analyze the site with Yoast and make any necessary changes.

16. Review the URL one last time, assign it to the parent page, and post!

As we mentioned at the beginning, these things are possible for nearly anyone. The trick with success in SEO is to follow the basic standards specified here; the companies that do will have success. Google rewards sites that continuously add content, and they deprioritize sites that sit there. Keep your content fresh, and update it often!

Whether your company focuses on B to B or B to C, your potential customers are searching online. Good SEO helps connect the dots between what they are searching, and how they can find your company.

What is SEO defined by Matt Cutts: “When you do a Google search, you aren’t actually searching the web. You’re searching Google’s index of the web, or at least as much of it as we can find. We do this with software programs called spiders. Spiders start by fetching a few web pages, then they follow the links on those pages and fetch the pages they point to. We follow all the links on those pages, and fetch the pages they link to, and so on, until we’ve indexed a pretty big chunk of the web—many billions of pages stored on thousands of machines.”
– Matt Cutts, former lead engineer at Google


SEO is simple. When you have a plan.

1. Determine your goals.

2. Focus your efforts on what works.

3. Hire a SEO company that cares.

Digital Marketing Agency Testimonial

Joe Broderick

Founder of SteelVeteran.org

"After researching & interviewing several web design and digital marketing companies we made the decision to hire Karma Jack. It was the absolute best move we made for the launch of our organization! They guided us through the process and shared a ton of industry insights to ensure our website was strategically positioned. We have received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback when people visit our site. Karma Jack is extremely knowledgeable and experienced in this space, on top of being creative, detail oriented, quick to deliver and super professional."

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