
How Does Google Display Ads Grow Marketing Results For Advertisers

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How Does Google Display Ads Grow Marketing Results For Advertisers

How Does Google Display Ads Grow Marketing Results For Advertisers

With over 80% of the search market share, Google is the world’s most popular search engine. So, it’s no surprise that marketers and businesses are turning to Google Ads. Initially launched in 2000, Google’s ad platform has come a long way in what it allows advertisers to do. The power in paid advertising lies in allowing you to take growth into your own hands, rather than just waiting for people to discover your brand. You’re able to reach your target audience faster and more efficiently. 65% of people click on Google ads when they’re looking to make a purchase, making the platform an effective way to secure a higher CTR and more sales. In this blog, we’ll answer how does Google display ads grow marketing results for advertisers.

How Do Google Display ADs Work? 

Google display ads rely on users’ cookies and data to track the websites they visit and searches they make. Then, Google uses this information to allow advertisers to reach their target audiences. The most common method of reaching users through these cookies is retargeting, where you target ads toward potential buyers who have visited your website before. Advertisers can also segment audiences based on specific page views or how recently they visited a website.
And this is an example of a display ad:

How Does Google Display Ads Grow Marketing Results For Advertisers

What is Google Display advertising?

Different from traditional Google search ads, Google display ads are shown to users across the 2 million websites, videos, and apps that make up the Google Display Network based on their online activity. Google display ads appear as banners, text, images, video, and audio on third-party websites. They can be interactive, allowing brands and advertisers to engage with users.

Here’s an example of a search ad:

How Does Google Display Ads Grow Marketing Results For Advertisers

The reason Google display ads are so powerful is because you can reach a buyer when they’re not necessarily searching for you–they might be reading a news article, watching a video, or playing a game. You tap them early on in the buying cycle, when they’re still weighing their options.

What Are The Benefits of Google DisplayADs?

GDN arms marketers and businesses with tools to plan, create, target, measure, and optimize ad campaigns. Now we’ll get into the meat of how does Google display ads grow marketing results for advertisers. Here are some benefits of using the platform:

1. Massive scale

The vast reach and global scale of GDN is how does Google display ads grow marketing results for advertisers. Your message will find more of your target audience, more often, in the most optimal places in their buying journey.

2. Generate Higher Quality Leads

Through its optimized targeting capabilities, Google Ads learns which audience segments work for you. It finds the best performing audience segments, including potential customers with the highest likelihood to choose your brand. Smart display campaigns combine automated targeting, bidding, and creative to maximize your conversions.

3. Measurable Performance

GDN delivers measurable performance so you can maximize your results. Google Analytics provides your team with key data track which ads are viewed and clicked on the most so you can determine which campaigns—and product or service—is bringing in the most business. Also included in your analytics is the financial data for display ads, which provides deeper insight into your return on investment (ROI) and cost per click (CPC) to better adjust your budget each month.

4. It’s Inexpensive

The Display Network can get more clicks for a fraction of the cost of search ads, with some as low as $0.05. While a display ad click is not as valuable as a search ad click (because people may not have been actively searching for your brand) the ability to gain multiple clicks for a fraction of the price makes Google display ads a great addition to your advertising strategy.

5. Boost Web Traffic

Although it varies from industry to industry, the average click-through rate (CTR) of Google display ads is 0.46%. This means more eyes on your website and your content, and potentially higher profits for your business. The ability to boost web traffic is how does Google display ads grow marketing results for advertisers.

6. In-depth Targeting Options

One of the biggest advantages of GDN is the variety of targeting options. You can target specific audiences based on past behavior, interests, specific websites or website topics, demographics, and more. You can build custom audiences and create different ad groups to figure out what works best.

7. Harness Images and Video 

In general, people generally find images more engaging than text. How does Google display ads drive marketing results for advertisers by allowing you to use attractive images, eye-catching graphics, video, and audio to set your ads apart. You can also incorporate your company’s color scheme and logo into your ad design to help spread brand awareness. 

In summary, how Google display ads drive marketing results for advertisers is by boosting sales and web traffic, generating higher-quality leads, providing measurable performance, and building brand awareness. They are effective as either a standalone option or in addition to your Google search ad campaigns. 

The Best Google Ads Specialist in Detroit

KARMA jack wields the vast power of Google to make sure you’re searchable, seen, and profitable. As your Google ads specialist, we create effective strategies that coincide with your goals as a business. We manage your campaigns and analyze the data to improve your pay-per-click, leads, and revenue for your long-term growth. Ready to grow? Schedule a call with us.

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